Building community capacity through a healthy food programme
Building community capacity through a healthy food programme
An evaluation of LEAP into Healthy Living
Compiling a case for local community-led food programmes
Learn how LEAP helped to establish a no-cost, membership-based service which promoted healthy behaviours, and an environment that encouraged families to eat healthily, socialise, and be physically active. This evaluation provides evidence for how Healthy Living Platform (HLP) built community capacity locally in the LEAP area of Lambeth. It aims to generate broader insights about how community-led food programmes can build community capacity.
This evaluation will be useful for anyone with a professional or academic interest in community-led food programmes and community capacity building.
Healthy Living Platform (HLP) is a no-cost membership-based service which promotes healthy behaviours and aims to provide an environment that encourages families to eat healthily, socialise, and be physically active. LEAP started funding LEAP into Healthy Living activities as part of Incredible Edible Lambeth in 2018. The Healthy Living Platform was then established as an independent organisation in 2019.
Children living in deprived areas are more likely to be overweight than those living in more affluent areas. Often unhealthy choices are easier and cheaper than buying and cooking fresh, healthy food. Parents with low income or poor housing often lack the time and capacity to avoid unhealthy food choices and prioritise healthy activities. They also often live in areas where there is limited healthy food on offer, which much of the food on offer high in fat and sugar, such as takeaways. In addition, parents often lack confidence in their cooking ability or knowledge of how to cook healthy meals.
Increasing knowledge and building confidence around what healthy food choices are, and how to cook healthy meals, enables parents to provide healthy food choices for their family.
Many initiatives which aim to tackle healthy eating behaviours look at the problem from a strategic borough-wide level. They do not engage in conversations with individual families to find out what barriers local families face to health eating.It is important to take an approach at a community and personal level. Food programmes such as Healthy Living Platform (HLP) are instrumental in making changes within local areas.
HLP runs community-led activities such as cook and eat sessions, food growing, yoga, and walking groups. Its weekly low-cost pantries offer healthy food for an affordable price. HLP also runs Food Ambassador training for local people, covering topics related to food and nutrition, in addition to teaching essential skills in safe and nutritious food preparation.
Key findings and statistics
- There were 2,051 Healthy Living Platform (HLP) sessions between Feb 2018 and March 2024
- 34,723 attendances at HLP sessions
- 10,547 attendances at HLP food pantries
- £599.20 a year saved by families attending 4 food pantries a month
- 85.3% of participants were from most deprived neighbourhoods